Company details
5F., No. 3, YuanCyu St. Taipei 115,
Taiwan, R.O.C.
5F., No. 3, YuanCyu St. Taipei 115, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Electronic Components Distributor
Guiding today's ideas into
tomorrow's technology.
Guiding today's ideas into tomorrow's technology.
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安富利是全球領先的技術分銷商和解決方案提供商,在過去一個世紀裡一直秉持初心,滿足客戶不斷變化的需求。從構思到設計,再從原型創建到生產,安富利可在產品生命週期的每個階段為客戶提供支持。安富利在整個技術價值鏈中處於中心位置。這種獨特的地位讓安富利能夠在產品開發過程中加快設計和供應速度,從而幫助客戶盡快實現營收。數十年如一日,安富利一直致力於幫助全球客戶和供應商實現技術的變革。我們的總部位於美國亞利桑那州鳳凰城,在全球擁有14,000多名員工,為125個地區的210萬客戶提供服務 。自1921年以來,在今年我們成為百年企業,這個里程碑凝聚著安富利一個世紀以來的不斷變革和韌性發展,而今年亦是安富利台灣成立的第25年,因為有公司的員工、領導者、合作夥伴、股東和客戶的才能,我們方能屹立不搖。多年來,隨著技術市場的不斷發展,我們持續的進行轉型。憑藉在電子元器件分銷領域的專業知識和豐富經驗以及對全球供應鏈的深入瞭解,始終如一地為客戶提供支援,並推動技術發展,而韌性、適應能力和執行力始終是其中的關鍵所在。安富利連續7年被Ethisphere Institute評為全球最具商業道德的公司之一,我們秉持著誠信的核心價值不斷強化和拓展其核心業務,以應對複雜的全球環境。我們將繼續幫助供應商和合作夥伴部署其技術解決方案,以滿足最終客戶的需求,也期許我們繼續展現韌性,走過下個百年。
A century of integrity and resilience
As a leading global technology distributor and solutions provider, Avnet has served customers’ evolving needs for an entire century. We support customers at each stage of a product’s lifecycle, from idea to design and from prototype to production. Our unique position at the center of the technology value chain enables us to accelerate the design and supply stages of product development so customers can realize revenue faster. Decade after decade, Avnet helps its customers and suppliers around the world realize the transformative possibilities of technology.Today, we are headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona, with more than 14,000 employees worldwide serving 2.1 million customers in 125 locations. This year marks Avnet’s 100th year milestone since our founding in 1921, representing a century of transformation and resilience. It is also the 25th anniversary of Avnet Taiwan’s establishment. Our employees, leaders, partners, shareholders and customers were instrumental in helping the company reach this landmark anniversary. Over the years, Avnet has continued to transform alongside the ever-changing technology market. With expertise in components distribution and deep knowledge of the global supply chain, we consistently provide support to customers and promote technological development. Resilience, adaptability and execution are key to achieving this.
Avnet has been recognized as one of the World's Most Ethical Companies by Ethisphere from 2014-2020. We uphold the core value of integrity and will carry on to strengthen and expand our core business to cope with the complex global environment. We will continue to help suppliers and partners deploy their technologies to meet the needs of end customers, and to remain resilient through the next century.
Best Employee@Avnet
Having a group of exemplary employees who display diligence and gratitude is what allows Avnet Taiwan to become the “best employer”. Our almost 900 employees are highly invested in their work to demonstrate A+ execution ability. Despite the general downturn, they have repeatedly achieved their performance goals. Seeing the contribution of employees, the leadership team reciprocated with various incentives, such as training courses and performance bonuses, thereby fostering mutual trust.The average tenure of our employees is 8.7 years. Compared to other companies in the industry, the turnover rate is considered low. Employees who believe in the company will work hard for it. As Mr. Prince Yun, President of Avnet Asia Pacific often said, "A happy company is one where employees are willing to let their children join.” Over the past years, we have seen children of our employees joining the company. Every year, about 30% of our colleagues join the company through internal recommendation channels. For a company, this is the best testament of being a best employer. Recently, we participated in the Youth Flagship Project in support of the government's plan to promote employment, recruiting fresh graduates to bring new blood to the company.
儘管COVID-19肆虐全球,但原先根據核心職能訂立下的訓練發展計畫並未因此停擺,我們將實體課程改為小班制短時數來進行,且在疫情失控前就選定來自全球以及台灣當地的線上課程,提供全公司同仁閱讀,讓學習與防疫同時並進。而為了確保線上課程的學習成效,我們善用同仁之間緊密的社群關係,推出「共讀共好 Learning Community」活動,同仁自主的跨部門組隊,讀完課程後進行小組討論。活動後收到同仁正向的回饋,表示不僅能自己學習,亦針對課程中的重點搭配實際的問題,與同儕討論彼此的觀點與做法,透過這樣的方式,打破了原先的部門本位主義,更透過同儕間的影響力促進個人的自主學習。為了打造學習文化,各部門的高階領導團隊也都從自身做起,不僅參與長期的訓練課程,也透過線上課程的「部門挑戰」以及「個人五天挑戰」活動,帶領部門同仁們一起學習,創造共同話題,藉由以上各式的學習活動機制,在在都刺激了同仁從被動學習轉為主動學習。
Although COVID-19 is raging in the world, our training and development plan that was originally established based on core competencies has not been suspended. We altered physical courses to small classes and shorter hours, and selected people from the world and Taiwan to attend online classes even before the pandemic spiraled out of control. To ensure the effectiveness of online courses, we leveraged the close community relationship between our colleagues and launched the "Read Together Learning Community " activity. Colleagues formed cross-departmental teams and held group discussions after finishing the course. This activity garnered positive feedback from employees. Not only were they able to learn by themselves, it also allowed them to exchange views and practices with each other by applying the key points to practical situations, promoting both self-directed and peer learning.To create a learning culture, the leadership team walked the talk by participating in these long-term training courses themselves. Furthermore, they led their department colleagues to learn together through the online "departmental challenge" and "personal five-day challenge". The various learning activities create a common topic for employees, and stimulate them to change from passive learning to active learning.
公司的向心力除了靠領導團隊與同仁間的互信關係來凝聚之外,也藉由各式活動來拉攏同仁的心,正巧今年適逢安富利百年及安富利台灣25周年慶,公司在兼顧防疫及節慶的考量下,舉辦多元的活動讓不同族群及世代的同仁都能參與,例如平溪天燈祈福、平安龜開工、辦公室野餐趣、世界手沖咖啡冠軍駐點服務、總裁手作雞蛋糕、Long Service Award典禮、動物園家庭日等等,使得這一整年都熱鬧非凡。除了節慶類的活動,我們的社團活動也相當活躍,登山社、籃球社、繪畫社、咖啡研習社,動態靜態兼具,滿足同仁的不同喜好,而且社團活動都開放給眷屬參加,讓同仁可在下班時間兼顧個人興趣及家庭。
The company’s cohesive culture comes not only from the mutual trust between the leadership team and colleagues, but also through various activity bonding sessions. As this year coincides with Avnet’s 100th anniversary and Avnet Taiwan’s 25th anniversary, the company organized a series of activities catering to diverse groups of audiences, in compliance with the necessary measures and guidelines. Some of these activities include the Pingxi sky lantern festival, ‘back to work’ ceremony, office picnic, enjoying freshly brewed coffee by the World Brewers Cup champion, egg-shaped cake hand-made by our APAC president, music festival and flea market, Long Service Award ceremony, Family Day at the zoo and so on, contributing to a lively and exciting year.In addition to festival activities, we also have active club activities. Covering both active and passive recreation that cater to the different preferences of colleagues, these activities such as mountain climbing, basketball, painting clubs and coffee research are also open to family members so that colleagues can balance their personal interests and family after working hours.
如同安富利亞太區總裁雲昌昱先生最著名的「因為有你」系列信件提及到的,公司的成功歸於同仁的付出,同仁是家人不是資產,因此我們相當重視每位同仁的身心靈健康,不論性別、年紀、工作類型,都有專職同仁來把關健康,這一年最具規模的活動當屬「Fat Out 油切計畫」從健檢報告數據中看出男性同仁為顯性肥胖、女性同仁為隱性肥胖,因此舉辦減脂而非減重的活動,吸引了五百位同仁參加,活動計畫達半年,這半年內透過活動及講座引導同仁聰明飲食、規律運動以及日行萬步,尤其日行萬步的活動竟在三個月內繞行台灣200圈,最終五百位同仁成功減脂近1%。在積極性預防方面,我們提供優於法令的健康檢查補助、肌貼門診、母性健康保護、戒菸班及口腔癌篩檢等,都獲得同仁好評。我們深信有健康快樂的員工,才有健全運作的公司,我們致力協助同仁得到最好的照顧與關懷,協助同仁於此蓬勃發展。
Mr. Prince Yun, President of Avnet Asia Pacific has a famous line - "because of you". It clearly conveys that the company's success is attributed to the contributions of employees, and employees are family members, not assets. Therefore, we attach great importance to the physical and mental well-being of every colleague regardless of gender, age, or job function, and there are full-time colleagues who oversee this aspect. The largest scale activity this year is called the "Fat Out Project". It can be seen from health examination reports that male colleagues are overtly obese while female colleagues have hidden obesity, hence we organized activities to reduce fat instead of weight loss, which attracted 500 colleagues. The activity is planned for half a year. During this time, we guided colleagues to eat smart, exercise regularly and walk daily. Of note, the clocking 10,000-step daily activity circumvented Taiwan 200 times in just three months. In the end, all 500 colleagues succeeded in reducing fat by nearly 1%.In the area of proactive prevention, we provide heavy health check subsidies, muscle clinic, maternal health protection, smoking cessation programs, oral cancer screenings etc., which were well received by colleagues. We firmly believe that healthy and happy employees are essential for a well-functioning company, and we are committed to helping them get the best care and to flourish here.