Awards and Recognition:


Company details


31 Science Park Road, The Crimson,
Singapore 117611

31 Science Park Road, The Crimson, Singapore 117611


Infocomm Technology


To be the Top International
Solution Provider from Singapore.

To be the Top International Solution Provider from Singapore.

Head Count



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CrimsonLogic began with a bold mission: to deliver world-class eGovernment solutions that create value for citizens and businesses. Today, more than 40 governments globally have put their trust in us to deliver innovative and sustainable digital solutions that meet their diverse needs. From trade facilitation to eJudiciary and blockchain, our products and services have transformed lives and communities. We may be headquartered in Singapore, but our impact is global. It’s been 33 years since we started, and our team has expanded to over 1000 employees across 19 countries. Still, our mission remains. And together, we are focused and ready to take on new challenges.

ONE@CRIMSON is our unique organisation development ecosystem that engages and achieves all-rounded growth for our employees. Comprising nine pillars, it develops our employees holistically in all aspects – professional, social, leadership and personal development. We endeavour to cultivate a nurturing and positive environment for everyone, and we believe in supporting our employees both at work and in their personal interests.


No matter which stage of career you are at, learning never stops! At CrimsonLogic, we advocate a learning culture and strongly encourage our employees to share their best ideas to foster workplace innovation. We believe 70% of learning is driven by self-learning on the job, 20% through coaching and 10% through training. Learning is a continuous pursuit in both career and life!


We invest in building our employees capabilities so that they can grow and succeed as leaders in their own areas. We provide leadership training programmes and workshops to equip you with the best leadership practices. We also have in place a leadership competency framework so that our employees are clear on the qualities and expectations required of them.


Healthy employees are happy employees. We have developed a full range of wellness programmes for our employees to get fit and bond together. Our focus is not only on physical health but also mental and financial wellness.


As a company, we want to make a positive difference and give back to the community. Over the years, we have partnered with the government and NGOs to support various causes and help those in need.


We believe in recognising our employees for their efforts and contributions to the company. As such, we offer a range of financial and non-financial benefits that have been benchmarked against the best global practices in the IT industry.


A workplace should not be a dull space. We are passionate about our work and are also passionate about having fun. There are always curated events and Festival Celebrations to bond as one CrimsonLogic family and to celebrate our cultural diversity. These company-wide events are a great opportunity for our colleagues to get to know each other beyond their scope of work!


Employee engagement is not just about creating an effective and efficient work environment. It is taking a strong holistic approach to engage, enable, and enrich our staff for their professional and personal growth.


We want our employees to aspire to be better and do better, and we have the right tools and initiatives to help them achieve their professional goals.


Employees flourish when they are in a positive environment, so we do our best to cultivate an inspiring workplace for them to feel appreciated and motivated to reach their aspirations and goals.