Awards and Recognition:

Company details


No 7, Lorong Keluli 1B,
Kawasan Perindustrian
Bukit Raja Selatan, Seksyen 7,
40000 Shah Alam, Selangor

No 7, Lorong Keluli 1B, Kawasan Perindustrian
Bukit Raja Selatan, Seksyen 7, 40000 Shah Alam, Selangor




The preferred pharmaceutical
brand in regional markets

The preferred pharmaceutical brand in regional markets

Head Count



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Emerging as one of the biggest local pharmaceutical companies in Malaysia, Pharmaniaga has been committed to contributing to the Nation for more than 25 years in the industry. Pharmaniaga comprises several companies along the stretch of pharmaceutical lines in research and development, manufacturing, production, logistics and distributions, marketing, and community pharmacy.

Driven by our motto, “Passion for Patients”, our corporate philosophy emphasizes serving the Rakyat with quality products and superior services by our professional, committed, and caring Employees. With more than 130 products in the line for consumers, a wide-spread network of warehouses around Malaysia and Indonesia, we are on our track to be the preferred pharmaceutical brand in the regional market a reality.

Embodied with our Core Values, Respect, Integrity, Teamwork, and Excellence (RITE), we engage our Employees to Respect each other, work with Integrity, promote Teamwork with other business units, and always deliver our products and services in Excellence.

Paddling through the Pandemic

Wading through the storm of the COVID-19 pandemic throughout 2020 and 2021, it has been a challenge for Pharmaniaga in keeping the Employees motivated while maintaining the business operation. Being one of the Frontliners in the country, we have been working over the hours to ensure the continuous supply of medicines, medical devices, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and delivery of Sinovac Vaccine went smoothly to Government Hospitals and Clinics. Our Logistics Operation teams have been working very hard to ensure there is no delay for our delivery to our customers in the medical front line. Our Manufacturing line, on the other hand, catering to the high demand for medicines during the pandemic.

With the pressure from the COVID-19 pandemic, our Employees receive assistance from Pharmaniaga to ensure their families receive sufficient basic necessities such as foods and hygiene products while staying safe at home. Our Employees has taken great risk of delivering medicines products in the middle of a pandemic. Pharmaniaga also cares for Employees and families who were infected with COVID-19 by supplying some food, facemasks, hand sanitizer, and vitamins for the family to recover during quarantine.

To achieve herd immunity, Pharmaniaga again takes the initiative to conduct vaccine injections to our Employees and their family members. Not to stop only to the basics, Pharmaniaga opened the door to the public to receive the Sinovac vaccine, the vaccine proudly packed and delivered by Pharmaniaga Lifescience Sdn Bhd in Puchong.

Humanising the Human Capital

When an Employee is employed, he is not only an Employee, an object which can be dismissed when not needed. Pharmaniaga sees our Employees as not only just an Employee but a person who owns and represent the large Pharmaniaga’s family hold the title of Husband, Wife, Father, Mother, Son, Daughter, and Grandparents.

Thus, our salary and benefits package are tailored from time to time to suit our Employees demographic. We are always in constant research to update and implement employee engagement initiatives and benefits so that they are competitive and at par with what other companies in the market have to offer. Our success and wealth are being shared across all levels of employees with the aim to create the best work environment thus resulting in a high Employee engagement level.

Our Management believes if we care on our Employees life, the Employees have more time to perform better in their works. Our medical coverage is the best among the competitors covering our Employees and their family. Those having children undergo national examination, Pharmaniaga gives some assistance in form of Tuition Subsidy. To maintain the motivation of the children, Pharmaniaga also held Academic Achievement Awards to the Employees’ children who had done their examination with flying colors. Uniquely, Pharmaniaga also celebrates students who are not in straight ‘A’ category because we believe this support will motivate them in the future. Even if they are enrolled into higher education institutions, Pharmaniaga also gives one-time assistance of Higher Education Subsidy to the children. We believe through education; this will give a positive change to the family to be a better member of society.

The abundance of leave channels also provided for our Employees to utilize. They are not only provided with Annual Leaves, but also with other types of leaves such as Compassionate Leave, Marriage Leave, Paternity Leave, Hajj Leave, Umrah or Pilgrimage Leave, and Birthday Leave. We in Pharmaniaga visualise that superior service is not only to our customers and stakeholder but also towards our nearest stakeholder, our Employees.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, to ensure our Employees are safe and stay at home, we introduce Work From Home for office Employees. Those infected with COVID-19, we created Quarantine Leave for them to rest and recover. We believe Employees who rest well will come back to work stronger with clearer minds. Through our Joint Consultative Council (JCC), our welfare council, Employees with spouse losing their job/income affected during COVID-19 will receive some monetary assistance for them to survive during pandemic.

Succession Planning – Retaining Talents, Uplifting Morales.

After more than two decades in the industry, Pharmaniaga is aware of the needs of Succession Planning. Envisioning the sustainability of the business, Pharmaniaga prepares apprentices for critical positions in Pharmaniaga. We provide leadership training to the Employees who are in line for their next level of career progression. Excellent performance and significant contributions are among the criteria included in our Succession Planning. Once an Employee is selected as a Talent, we equip them with appropriate knowledge, sufficient tools, and leadership training. This is very important to ensure continuous excellent leadership to lead the Company while keeping the Company's vision and mission on track. With an ever-changing business environment, our Talents are exposed to the training on agile business models, creating more value on our customer's chain and appreciating innovation for future business prospects.

Community Outreach

Having a business with a heart, Pharmaniaga always cares about the community around their business and our stakeholders. Throughout 2021, Pharmaniaga has been approaching needy communities. With the recent business opportunity, Pharmaniaga always ensures our foot is still on the ground. We have contributed more than RM8 millions to Lembaga Zakat Selangor, Majlis Ugama Islam Sabah, Majlis Islam Sarawak, and Majlis Ugama Islam Dan Adat Resam Melayu Pahang. This contribution will be used by the authority to help the needy under their criteria. Apart from the contribution to the authorities, we also reach our community by sponsoring Iftar and renovation of Surau Al Falah, Program Perumahan Rakyat HICOM (PPR) with new carpets and air-conditioners. Being a member of Boustead Group, lest we forget our fighters from Angkatan Tentera Malaysia, who have retired from their national service. Pharmaniaga expresses our gratitude towards our national heroes with collaboration with Lembaga Tabung Angkatan Tentera by providing the retired army with medical assistance devices such as wheelchairs and movable beds for them.